Baseball field.
Structure of ELNCA

The East Lake Neighborhood Community Association is governed by a Board of Directors made up of 12 residents. Each Director serves a 3-year term. Because the terms are staggered, the membership elects 4 new board members every year.

Each year the membership elects three officer positions; President, Vice-President, and Secretary; from the 12 board members. Each officer serves for one year. Reelection is possible and there are no term limits. Elections are held in accordance with the ELNCA By-laws.

Any ELNCA member in good standing can vote. To become a member in good standing you must: First, pay dues of $10.00 to the ELNCA Treasurer. Second, attend and sign-in at two monthly meetings during the year.

Note: Each member of a household who wants to vote must fulfill the payment and attendance requirements.

ELNCA Meetings

ELNCA meets to socialize, discuss issues of general concern, and vote on questions that require the neighborhood’s attention. The monthly meetings are held on the second Monday of every month via Zoom. Please note: Member travel schedule conflicts and the December holiday party sometimes necessitate skipping the June and December meetings.

Meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. and run anywhere from one to two hours, depending on the number of issues to be discussed. We encourage anyone considering moving into or doing business in the neighborhood to attend.

Meeting dates and access information are available through our Events Calendar.

To be added to the agenda, please contact the ELNCA President. Your message should explain who you are and describe the issue you plan to present to the membership.

Under the rules of the City of Atlanta, any East Lake resident or business with a zoning issue must present their case to the ELNCA before they can present it to the Neighborhood Planning Unit O (and to the Zoning Review Board and City Council thereafter).